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Updated: Jan 10, 2020

Ebrill/April 1, 2015

Annwyl gyd aelodau,

Rydym yn falch o gael dweud fod cytundebau rhyngom ni a’r BBC a S4C wedi eu harwyddo erbyn hyn.

Dyma’r tro cyntaf i gorff casglu annibynnol ar wahân i’r PRS arwyddo cytundeb am drwydded blanced gyda’r BBC. Bu’r frwydr yn un hir a chaled – 7 mlynedd o ymgyrchu a thrafod gydag achos tribiwnlys yn ei chanol. Mae’r ffaith fod yna drwydded blanced hyd yn oed yn bodoli yn destament ynddo’i hun i ymdrech pawb dros y blynyddoedd. Mae’r egwyddor wedi ei sefydlu a buan daw’r amser  i ail-gychwyn y trafodaethau ar gyfer y blynyddoedd i ddod.


Gan gychwyn gyda’r ffigwr o £100,000 y flwyddyn a ddyfarnwyd gan y Tribiwnlys Hawlfraint, ychwanegwyd nifer o gymalau i mewn i’r cytundeb er mwyn hwyluso’r gwaith o ddosrannu’r drwydded a sicrhau trwydded blanced uwch. Fe gytunwyd ar y syniad o ffigwr “Headroom” fel modd o amddiffyn a chysoni ‘graddfeydd y funud’ Radio Cymru a Radio Wales; mae hyn yn golygu ychwanegiad o £12,000 i’r drwydded blanced. Mae RPI hefyd wedi’i ychwanegu i’r drwydded; wedi’i gapio ar 2.5%. Mae yna gymal “Newid mewn Deunydd” hefyd wedi’i gynnwys er mwyn sicrhau fod y drwydded blanced yn adlewyrchu cynnydd neu leihad yn y repertoire a’r/neu’r cyfanswm o funudau mae gweithiau o’r repertoire yn cael eu darlledu. Mae taliad blynyddol y BBC erbyn hyn yn £117,084.

Mae Penderfyniad a Dyfarniad Terfynol y Tribiwnlys a’r Cytundeb rhwng Eos a’r BBC bellach yn gyhoeddus i bawb ar wefan y Tribiwnlys Hawlfreintiau.


Mae ein cytundeb gydag S4C, sydd mewn grym hyd ddiwedd Mawrth 2017, yn dilyn patrwm tebyg i gytundeb y BBC, a chytunwyd ar gymalau i amddiffyn gweithiau ein repertoire rhag camddefnydd.


Fe ddosbarthwyd y symiau canlynol yn ystod 2014.

31/1/2014          £28,927             Chwarter 3 2013

22/5/2014          £40,095             Chwarter 4 2013

29/7/2014          £32,540             Cysoni 2013

03/10/2014        £22,842             Chwarter 1 2014

26/11/2014        £44,560             Chwarter 2 2014

Mae dosbarthiad chwarter 3 2014 wedi ei wneud ers ganol mis Chwefror eleni, ac rydym yn disgwyl bydd dosbarthiad chwarter 4 2014 yn cael ei wneud yn ystod mis Mai 2015.

Mae Eos yn parhau i dyfu ac mae ein perthynas gyda’r PRS yn un iach. Mae gan Eos gytundeb ‘gwasanaeth’ gyda PRS, sy’n golygu fod PRS yn prosesu’r wybodaeth a ddaw gan y darlledwyr cyn ei anfon at Eos.  Mae’r cost yn cael ei ad-dalu i Eos gan y darlledwyr fel rhan o’r cytundeb blanced.

Edrychwn ymlaen at ddyfodol llewyrchus a llwyddiannus felly i bob un o’n haelodau.

Diolchwn i bawb am eich cefnogaeth ddiwyro.

Yn gywir,

Rhys Harris,

Ar ran Bwrdd Eos


Dear fellow members,

We are pleased to announce that full blanket licence agreements are now in place between Eos, the BBC and S4C.

This marks the first time that a blanket licence agreement with the BBC has been secured by an independent collecting society apart from the PRS. The road leading to this historical moment was long and arduous – 7 years of campaigning and endless discussions, including a copyright tribunal. The fact that this blanket licence even exists is a testament in itself to the effort made by everyone over the years. A principle has now been set and soon the time will come to agree on a blanket licence agreement for the years to come.


Starting with the £100,000 per annum that the BBC was ordered to pay to Eos by the Copyright Tribunal; a number of clauses have been introduced that better facilitates the distribution process and also ensures a more comprehensive blanket licence. The introduction of a “Headroom” payment is important as it ensures that the ‘Per Minute Rates’ for Radio Cymru and Radio Wales stay consistent; in effect this means an increase of £12,000 a year to the blanket licence. RPI has also been introduced to the licence; capped at 2.5% for the time being. We have also secured a “Material Change” clause to ensure that the licence reflects any increase or decrease in the Eos repertoire or the total amount of minutes broadcast. The annual payment by the BBC as it stands now is £117,084.

The final Decision and Order of the Copyright Tribunal has been made public on their website along with a copy of the Blanket Licence Agreement between Eos and the BBC.


Our blanket licence agreement with S4C, which is in force until the end of March 2017, follows a similar pattern to the BBC’s agreement, and introduces new clauses to protect our repertoire from misuse.


The following amounts were distributed in 2014:

31/1/2014          £28,927             Quarter 3 2013

22/5/2014          £40,095             Quarter 4 2013

29/7/2014          £32,540             Adjustments 2013

03/10/2014        £22,842             Quarter 1 2014

26/11/2014        £44,560             Quarter 2 2014

The royalties for Quarter 3 2014 were distributed in February. We will aim to distribute the royalties for Quarter 4 2014 in May.

Eos continues to grow and develop and our relationship with the PRS is maturing.  Eos has a ‘Service Level’ agreement with PRS, where PRS processes the music data received from the broadcasters before sending it on to Eos.  The cost of this is reimbursed to Eos by the broadcasters as part of the blanket agreement.

We therefore look forward to a bright and successful future for all of our members.

Thank you for your continued support,

Kind regards,

Rhys Harris,

On behalf of the Eos Board

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