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Ym mis Mehefin 2012 rhoddodd bwyllgor Y Gynghrair gais i mewn i’r Cyngor Celfyddydau am grant i gynorthwyo cerddorion a chyhoeddwyr yng Nghymru i dynnu eu hawliau darlledu o PRS a’u haseinio i asiantaeth newydd yng Nghymru.
Ar 30 Medi 2012 dychwelodd 297 o gyfansoddwyr ac awduron a 34 o gyhoeddwyr ffurflenni i PRS yn tynnu eu hawliau darlledu yn ôl. Ar 1 Ionawr 2013 trosglwyddwyd yr hawliau hynny i Eos.
Ym mis Hydref 2012 cychwynnodd Eos drafod gyda darlledwyr perthnasol er mwyn gallu rhoi trwyddedau yn eu lle cyn 1 Ionawr 2013. Y gobaith oedd byddai hyn yn osgoi unrhyw doriad yn yr arlwy cerddorol arferol.
Er llwyddo i ddod i gytundeb gydag S4C, methwyd â dod i gytundeb gyda’r BBC. O ganlyniad, heb drwydded yn ei le gwrthodwyd yr hawl iddynt ddarlledu gweithiau aelodau Eos.
Yn ystod Ionawr 2013, â llawer llai o gerddoriaeth ar gael i Radio Cymru, cynhaliwyd llawer o gyfarfodydd gyda’r BBC er mwyn ceisio bwrw’r maen i’r wal.
Er ymdrechion Eos, ac er bod y ddau ochr yn ymddangos yn llawer agosach i gytundeb, yn gynnar ym Mis Chwefror penderfynodd y BBC gyflwyno cais i’r Tribiwnlys Hawlfreintiau i 1) orfodi Eos i roi trwydded dros i’r BBC tra roedd y Tribiwnlys yn rhedeg a 2) i benderfynu ar bris y drwydded derfynol.
Yn hytrach na gadael i’r Tribiwnlys benderfynu ar y drwydded dros dro, daeth Eos a’r BBC i gytundeb ar y drwydded gyntaf honno. Nid oedd hi’n fwriad gan Eos i’r drwydded hon bara dros gyfnod y Tribiwnlys cyfan; ym mis Mawrth gwnaed cais i’r Tribiwnlys am drwydded dros dro gwell er mwyn i Eos fedru dalu costau cyfreithiol yr achos.
Ym mis Ebrill dyfarnodd y Tribiwnlys nad oedd modd rhoi trwydded dros dro gwell i Eos rhag ofn y byddai’r gwrandawiad terfynol yn dyfarnu ar drwydded lai; golygai hynny y byddai’n rhaid i Eos dalu rhan o ffi’r drwydded dros dro yn ôl, sef gofyn i’w haelodau ddychwelyd yr arian a dalwyd iddynt gan Eos fel breindaliadau.
Ym mis Rhagfyr fe gyhoeddwyd fod y tribiwnlys wedi dyfarnu i’r BBC dalu £100,000 y flwyddyn am drwydded i ddarlledu gweithiau ein haelodau. Ar ôl treulio bron iawn i 6 mlynedd yn ymgyrchu am daliadau tecach roedd hyn yn newyddion trist fod y tribiwnlys wedi methu â chydnabod gwerth yr hawliau hyn i’r diwydiant cerddoriaeth Gymraeg.
Mae’n amlwg fod y tribiwnlys wedi trio cadw at y status quo cymaint â phosib yn hytrach na pharchu dymuniadau cyfansoddwyr a chyhoeddwyr Cymreig am dal teg. Calon achos y BBC oedd nad oeddynt am dalu mwy i Eos rhag ofn peryglu’r cytundeb cyfforddus rhyngddyn nhw â PRS lle mae gwerth cerddoriaeth Gymraeg yn cael ei gadw lawr fel rhan o gytundeb ‘bulk-buy’. Mae’r tribiwnlys wedi penderfynu ategu’r berthynas glos honno yn hytrach nag amddiffyn diwydiant cerddoriaeth frodorol Cymru.
Mae’n bosib darllen y dyfarniad yn ei gyfanrwydd wrth glicio isod.
Ym mis Ionawr cynhaliwyd cyfarfodydd aelodau, un yng Nghaernarfon ac un yng Nghaerdydd. Pwrpas y cyfarfodydd oedd amlinellu’r opsiynau tebygol oedd ar gael i Eos yn sgil dyfarniad y tribiwnlys. Roedd yr aelodau yn gytûn ac yn benderfynol i Eos barhau fel corff casglu.
Darllenwch mwy am:
In June 2012 Y Gyngrair committee applied for an Arts Council grant to assist musicians and publishers in Wales to withdraw their broadcast rights from PRS and assign them to a new agency in Wales.
On 30 September 2012 297 composers and authors and 34 publishers returned forms to PRS withdrawing their broadcast rights. On 1 January 2013 those rights were transferred to Eos.
In October 2012 Eos began discussions with relevant broadcasters to enable licenses to be put in place before 1 January 2013. It was hoped that this would avoid any disruption to the usual music offer.
Despite reaching agreement with S4C, it was not possible to reach an agreement with the BBC. Consequently, without a license in place they were denied the right to broadcast the work of members of Eos.
During January 2013, with much less music available to Radio Cymru, many meetings were held with the BBC in order to try and get to the wall.
Despite Eos's efforts, and although both sides seemed much closer to agreement, in early February the BBC decided to apply to the Copyright Tribunal to 1) force Eos to issue a license to the BBC while the Tribunal was running and 2) to determine the final license price.
Instead of letting the Tribunal decide on the provisional license, Eos and the BBC came to an agreement on that first license. It was not the intention of Eos for this license to last for the whole Tribunal period; in March an application was made to the Tribunal for a better temporary license to enable Eos to pay the legal costs of the case.
In April the Tribunal ruled that Eos could not be granted a better provisional license in case the final hearing ruled on a smaller license; that meant that Eos would have to pay back part of the provisional license fee, namely to ask their members to return the money paid to them by Eos as royalties.
In December it was announced that the tribunal had awarded the BBC £100,000 a year for a license to broadcast the work of our members. Having spent nearly 6 years campaigning for fairer payments this was sad news that the tribunal failed to recognise the value of these rights to the Welsh music industry.
It is clear that the tribunal has tried to keep to the status quo as much as possible rather than respecting the wishes of Welsh composers and publishers for fair pay. The heart of the BBC was that they did not want to pay Eos more for fear of jeopardising the comfortable agreement between them and PRS where the value of Welsh music is kept down as part of a 'bulk-buy’ agreement. The tribunal has decided to support that close relationship rather than defend the indigenous Welsh music industry.
It is possible to read the report in its entirety by clicking here.
In January members meetings were held, one in Caernarfon and one in Cardiff. The purpose of the meetings was to outline the likely options available to Eos following the tribunal's ruling. Members agreed and determined that Eos should continue as a collecting body.
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